January 2022 -How to Set Yourself Up for Success and Thrive
How (and why) do world-renowned performers like violinist Itzhak Perlman rise to positions of distinction and – as importantly - continue to strive to be “best in class” after achieving excellence and attaining prominence?
The point of distinction appears to be a relentless passion for excellence and acknowledgement that achieving and sustaining that position of distinction cannot be accomplished, or sustained, without support and a certain amount of discomfort as opportunities for further growth are revealed.
Luminaries from Bill Gates to Oprah Winfrey and Serena Williams, have used and continue to use coaches to help push boundaries for themselves and their teams to become better versions of themselves; a tactic Olympic athletes and sports teams have long understood. In 2022 best-of-class leaders in virtually every industry worldwide will use executive coaching and performance training to ensure they and their teams are at the top of their game and have the capacity to retain their competitive edge.
What do truly outstanding performers look for? They want a partner with a proven track record, who is as committed to, and invested in, peak performance as they are. They want someone who understands their world, their language and their pain points and will keep them focused on growing and doing the work, even when they’re uncomfortable. They look for someone who speaks truth and makes challenges seem motivating, achievable, and empowering. At the end of the day, they want a coach whose personality, experience, approach, character, and commitment will get them to where they want to be and help them continue evolving.
Peak performance requires that we:
· seek out “just manageable” challenges in the areas where we want to grow,
· use a coach to hold us accountable and ensure we are being stretched
· continually nurture a growth and challenge mindset.
Performance science indicates that both periods of rest as well as uninterrupted nightly sleep are vital to facilitating and sustaining meaningful growth amidst stress. As important, however, is the internal motivation to transcend ego, train/condition on schedule, optimize routine, surround yourself with like-minded partners and consciously harness your highest purpose. This formula has been documented by The Gallup Organization, McKinsey & Co, and The Hastings Center among others.
Are you ready to reach for sustainable excellence, set yourself apart and thrive in 2022 and beyond? Let’s talk! Drop me a line at laura@bydesigncoachingcenter.com.